Testimonials from Strategic Strides' Clients:
If you would like to leave a testimony about your experience with Dr. Jennafer please send us a email. We love photos too!
can't even begin to tell you how grateful I am for your visit last Monday (and
so glad I did some research and found you). I've made myself wait until now
before writing you, just so I wasn't jumping the gun. Not only do I have the
horse I know and love back, he is better than ever in all respects. I almost
can't believe it, except Willy shows me every day that he's getting
better (whether it's a riding day or not). This means the world to me." - Angie D. and Willy, Ottawa Ontario
"We started using Jen just over 2 years ago as I was looking for an option to treat my mare who was recovering from an injury but not quite coming along as expected. Nautica got the green light from the vet to go back to work after an impact injury to her hind end as all was clear in the x-rays and flexions but even after 3 months of light flat work she just didnt feel the same. I saw Jen's add on an equestrian forum and called her in to look at Nautica. Jen found a lot of areas showing compensation developped during the injury and within a few treatments Nautica was back to her old seld and ready to train again. Since then, I use Jen to maintain my show horses through the year as well as my 31 year old retired QH who is feeling much younger since Jen started working on him. The work Jen does keeps my horses happy, and soft and supple, even at the peak of show season when their bodies are under the most stress. I find that since I started using her services, my horses still feel in top condition at the end of show season. They look forward to her visits and are always happy to see her walk into the barn. She has also worked miracles on our 15 year old miniature schnauzer when she was recovering from an injury and Benji is feeling as good as can be since Jen's worked her magic on her. And Jen even managed to talk me into trying her services for myself and even though I was hesitant at first and still am a bit of a wimp when it comes to being adjusted, I feel a huge difference and find it has improved my fluidity in the saddle a ton. She has now enrolled most of the riders in the barn as clients as well as a few of our employees and even my non-horsey spouse has been converted. Joey says this about Jen's work : Owning multiple businesses and having a limited amount of time, it was a nice surprise to learn that an on-site chiropractor who deals with horses was also qualified and willing to work with people. Being involved with heavy labor as well as fitness training takes a toll on your body after many years. I used to see a chiropractor in the city but after moving to the country I simply didn't have time to make the commute anymore for that sole purpose. Having Jen come onsite was not only a time saver but her adjustments left permanent improvements in all my trouble spots. With previous chiropractors I never experienced lasting results but Jen was able to fix issues instead of just maintaining them. Jen is a great person, with a fantastic personality, people and horse skills and magic hands ! It's always great to have her around for the day and she truly gets invested in every patient she works on. I would strongly recommend her to anyone looking." Sincerly- Joey, Natasha, Benji, Nautica, Rosie, Roxy, Bobby, Flynn and Apache :) "Dr. J! Your amazing! My trotters increased their time on the tract by 2 seconds and 3 seconds! That's huge in the world of racing! Thanks for making me a believer!" Chucky and Look Who Talkin and I Be Jammin - Buffalo Raceway, Hamburg NY
Jennafer has been a great new addition to the Ottawa region! My horse has
never experienced results like this before! Jennafer is so down to earth
and spends a lot of time with my horse! She usually spends 30 minutes minimum
addressing any area of complaint and checking all the other joints to make sure
they are moving properly. Jennafer also is very thorough, she adjusts my
horses entrie back and EXTREMITIES! Its great especially when she has
stifle issues! My girl Tammy (TB/HAN), 6 year old has never had her
extremities adusted before and she loves it! The suspension and
flexibility I get after an adjustment are amazing! Its like riding a
whole new horse! The other nice thing is, the results LAST! I have
had no issues since the FIRST adjustment! I'm so happy with Jennafer!
Thank you Thank you Thank you!!" - Tammy and Sophie, Ottawa ON
"Dr. Jennafer Jarosz is so fantastic with my old cat and her chiropractic needs! My cat does not like the clinic environment and does not like to be held but she loves Dr. Jarosz! Sometimes I think she wants to stay with Dr. Jennafer instead of coming home with me!" - Client at Alta Vista Animal Hospital, Ottawa ON
_____________________________________________________________________________ Same Horse: 2 Different Races. Check out the stride change and over 1 second improvement in time!!
![]() Proof chiropractic helps horses. Thanks to Jen at Strategic Strides: Animal Chiropractic for Optimum Health and my farrier who's never afraid to innovate! - Kathy McBride and Heart |
have spent over $2000 at my veterinarian for my dog, and the only thing they
could do was send me home with a pain patch, high doses of anti-inflammatories,
a dog that was still in a great deal of pain, and no known diagnosis! I
really thought I would have to put Boogie down. I found out about
Jennafer while I was at the emergency vet clinic and saw a brochure! Boy
to I wish I just left after finding that! Boogie was in pain for another
week - screaming, not moving, didn't want touched and we had no idea the
reason! So I finally called Jennafer, 3 visits later, my Boogie was back!
She also gave me a deal because she new it would take more then one or
two visits to get him right again. She truly is in this for the animals
and not the business aspect! She came to my house (since Boogie was in so much
pain) and spent over an hour with him each time! My greatest appreciation
and THANKS go to her!" - Robert and Boogie
say enough GREAT things about Jen! The follow ups and communication
BETWEEN visits is FANTASTIC! Great horse, and people skills!
And she's done so much for my mare!" - Misha, Ashton ON Sasha's Story:
"Sasha is my 4 year old husky/shepard mix. She started developing hip dysplasia when she was 12 years old and severe arthritis. We spoke to my vet about minimizing her pain and she recommended pain mediciation on a regular basis. We didn't like the thought of her being in pain as she is our baby - not just a pet in our family. So we put her on a glucosamine/chondrotin pill and pain pill. We were also looking for a more natural way to help alleviate her pain. We found and animal chiropractor and started taking her for regular adjustments. Right away we noticed the change in her energy, and pain levels. We had been seeing this chriopractor for almost 3 years when we realized Sasha wasn't getting any better but in some cases starting to feel worse. Her posture was getting worse and she was facoring her back left leg, so much so that going down the stairs she would hold it up as not to put weight on it! We realized this wasn't a good quality of life for her and wanted a second opinion. That's when I found Jennafer (Strategic Strides). I explained that Sasha is normally and active dog, even in her old age and that I noticed her posture was changing, her gait wasn't the same, and she was having issues putting weight on her back legs. We just wanted a "fresher" opinion and wanted Jennafer to have a look at her. We were amazed at Sasha's first adjustment with her! Her posture imprived dramatically as well as her gait. She was having such a hard time turning and right after her adjustment she was turning better, not holding her back legs up when doing down the stairs and her energy levels have improved! We were so relieved, at Sasha's age we were starting to think maybe that she was nearing her end and that there was noting else we could do to help her. Jennafer has brought back our baby and made her quality of life so much better! Sasha has now had her second adjustment and we can't believe what a puppy she's being. She hasn't been able to roll over in over 3 years because of her severe arthritis and now with the first snow she rant out and rolled in the snow!!! Jennafer has breathed new life into Sasha, who would have throught at 14 years old that she would be almost pain-free and able to perform like a pup! You have to give Jen a chance to help your animal for any reason or just for general care. We had Sasha under regular chiropractic care for 3 years and never noticed such great changes before. We used to go every 2 weeks to the vets office and now Jennafer see's Sasha once a month. Jennafer is a miracle worker! She comes to treat Sasha at our home in Sasha's environment and spends quality time with her. Jennafer (Strategic Strides) has given us hope that we have a few more great years to share with our wonderful dog! Thank you so much Jennafer!" - Andrea, Rahim, and Sasha "Just wanted to thank you and your husband for your wonderful treatments on me! To go from not being able to walk to now being virtually pain-free is amazing! You both took such time and patience with me, and it was nice to have chiropractors who work together -- I know your very busy with the horses so it was nice to know at least Shayne and you could talk about my case and help me out in my time of need! So much gratitude towards you both! Your angels!" - Martha Grandy
Dr. Jennafer: A Personal Testimony and her Journey Into Animal Chiropractic

In 2003, my show horse
Moe (Half Arabian/National Show Horse and multiple regional and national level
champion) began to develop a degenerative pastern joint, the main “shock
absorber” of the leg and foot. The degeneration was predisposed from
an injury she endured as a yearling (pre-purchase) and slowly progressed
due to the daily stress the joint is under with weight bearing and wear and
tear of athletic performance.
Due to the stress in her joint, compensation was mediated by the rest of her body including her thoracic and lumbar spine to shift the weight from her front legs to her rear which also led to the beginning of fusion within her hock joints. Knowing Moe was only 15 and still considered a "young horse", I knew she had a grim outlook since it seemed as if the series of events based on the biomechanics of the kinetic chain was and would continue taking its toll on the rest of her body.
Moe was prescribed many joint injections, administered anti-inflammatory medication daily and required stall rest the majority of the week to keep her sound. I sought advice and help from many veterinarians in her area however the advice and opinions were bleak. She knew this wasn’t the quality of life Moe deserved. After many months of research I came across many long term holistic options including animal chiropractic. She decided to contact a chiropractor in her area (Syracuse, NY) who was certified through Options for Animals, an approved accredited program for animal chiropractic and Moe received her first consultation and treatment a week later.
Today, Moe is currently 24 years old and enjoys her daily turn-out to the pasture or paddock and only requires aspirin or bute on average of 10-15 days PER YEAR for "bad days" and currently under no medications to sustain her daily activities. Moe’s new regime is using a daily supplement for joints and maintenance through co-treatments with veterinarians, chiropractic care and massage therapy for wellness.
Due to the stress in her joint, compensation was mediated by the rest of her body including her thoracic and lumbar spine to shift the weight from her front legs to her rear which also led to the beginning of fusion within her hock joints. Knowing Moe was only 15 and still considered a "young horse", I knew she had a grim outlook since it seemed as if the series of events based on the biomechanics of the kinetic chain was and would continue taking its toll on the rest of her body.
Moe was prescribed many joint injections, administered anti-inflammatory medication daily and required stall rest the majority of the week to keep her sound. I sought advice and help from many veterinarians in her area however the advice and opinions were bleak. She knew this wasn’t the quality of life Moe deserved. After many months of research I came across many long term holistic options including animal chiropractic. She decided to contact a chiropractor in her area (Syracuse, NY) who was certified through Options for Animals, an approved accredited program for animal chiropractic and Moe received her first consultation and treatment a week later.
Today, Moe is currently 24 years old and enjoys her daily turn-out to the pasture or paddock and only requires aspirin or bute on average of 10-15 days PER YEAR for "bad days" and currently under no medications to sustain her daily activities. Moe’s new regime is using a daily supplement for joints and maintenance through co-treatments with veterinarians, chiropractic care and massage therapy for wellness.