Online Booking is Available for Dog and Human Clients only (located at the ProAction Sports Injury Clinic in Kanata. Equine Custumers please contact Dr. Jennafer via website, phone, or email.
STRATEGIC STRIDES: Animal Chiropractic for Health & Performance!
Strategic Strides offers healthcare through holistic options and some of the latest advancements in athletic performance for both small and large animals involved in the sporting world and our beloved family pets. Serving clients all around the Ottawa Ontario region.
Dr. Jennafer Jarosz, an Internationally Certified Animal Chiropractor uses her passion for animals and her background in healthcare and understanding of biomechanics of body, movement, and function to benefit the optimal health of your animal!
Dr. Jennafer Jarosz, an Internationally Certified Animal Chiropractor uses her passion for animals and her background in healthcare and understanding of biomechanics of body, movement, and function to benefit the optimal health of your animal!