No matter if your dog (or cat) is just a member or your family or takes part in competitive sporting events or dog shows, they can benefit from chiropractic treatments. To the right are a list of some of the common problems that can benefit from chiropractic and/or acupuncture. |
How can you tell if your dog might be in NEED of a chiropractic treatment?
your dog communicates in a language other than words, they must rely on your
capacity to observe and distinguish the subtle changes in their behavior which
might indicate a warning sign for health concerns.
Your pet might try and communicate to you that they are in pain, some symptoms will be very obvious, and others subtle. Below is a list of common signs that your pet might benefit from a consultation or holistic treatment.
**** Please NOTE - Some of the above symptoms might require a initial consult with your primary veterinarian due to the possibility of a more serious issue (i.e. Cancer). If you are unsure, I am happy to discuss your case via email/phone and provide possible guidance. ****